錯誤 -- 您的瀏覽器未送出cookie,請確認cookie設定已打開 認證資訊檢查失敗,請重新輸入帳號及密碼,繼續您未完成的工作。

如登入有問題,請洽詢 計網中心 分機61010



  • 勿輕易提供個人資料: 不要理會任何要求提供個人資料(如:帳號、密碼)的郵件。
  • 避免開啟可疑附檔: 因為病毒檔可能偽裝成各種檔案,如.doc、.pdf、.jpg等, 並隱藏在壓縮檔內。
  • 安裝防毒軟體並定期更新 :萬一誤開了病毒檔,防毒軟體可以提供多一層保護。
  • 勿開啟、點閱來路不明的電子郵件。
  • 不要隨便點選郵件內的連結:如有必要,自行從瀏覽器內輸入真正的單位網址,進入真正的單位網站。
  • 必要時與寄件者連絡,確認郵件的真實性: 校園的惡意信件常常假冒計網中心、政府機關及學術單位的名義散播,請提高警覺。

如有任何問題,歡迎來電本中心諮詢服務台(分機61010)洽詢。計網中心 敬上

Protection against malicious emails

Many “spam” emails received on campus are often disguised as having been sent from the Information Technology Center, various government agencies, or academic institutions to lure recipients into disclosing sensitive information. Follow these steps to minimize your risk:

  • Never disclose sensitive information online or respond to any email requesting personal information.
  • Do not open any suspicious attachments, because viruses can be disguised as .doc, .pdf or .jpg files, or hidden in compressed files.
  • Install and update anti-virus software regularly to provide extra protection should any suspicious email be accidentally opened.
  • Do not open any email from unknown sources.
  • Avoid clicking on links in an email to prevent from being directed to malicious websites. It is safer to type the URL directly into your browser.
  • If necessary, contact the sender to verify the validity of the email.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact our help desk (ext. 61010) for further information.